Firefly Returns!

Like a leaf on the wind, the Serenity soars again!
20th Century Fox has announced the return of Joss Whedon’s beloved, yet quickly cancelled, early 2000’s Sci-Fi franchise.
Sadly, not to screens, but in the best possible way that isn’t filmed, in my opinion.

In conjunction with Titan books, this fall will see the release of the 1st of 3 (for now) Firefly novels, overseen by Josh Whedon himself.
They will written by well known tie-in author Nancy Holder, probably best known for her Buffy novels (though I know from her great Smallville novels), Tim Lebbon, author of Star Wars: Dawn Of The Jedi: Into The Void, and James Lovegrove, a British writer whose works I sadly don’t know, though after searching him, his work sounds like something I’d be into.

I have wanted Firefly novels for a long time, so I am incredibly excited for these!
Hopefully sales are strong enough that it leads to more than just 3.
The 1st drops October 2018, and that can’t come quick enough.

Get the full details, including the 1st plot details, right here!

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