Plumage From Pegasus Press Release

From Word Fire Press…


A calculatingly crazy and refreshing romp through the wildest headlines, personalities and peculiarities of the science fiction and fantasy field.

Monument, Colorado. WordFire Press is proud to announce the upcoming release of Plumage from Pegasus: The All-New 25th Anniversary Collection, by Paul Di Filippo!

In the manner of Robert Sheckley, William Tenn, Harry Harrison, Douglas Adams, Tom Holt, and other great science fiction satirists, Paul Di Filippo takes on the foibles and follies, tropes and tics of the genre he loves in a wealth of short, sharp flash fictions. Using his four decades of experience in writing and publishing, he skewers authors, editors, artists, readers, retailers, librarians, and book companies alike with fantastical and visionary humor.

It has been three years since the Naplian Empire invaded Science fiction is serious business, full of morality plays, allegories and apocalypses–but not in the hands of Paul Di Filippo! His sparkling short humorous essays force the genre to reveal its absurdist, silly side, where every writer is undone, and all the fans are gonzo. After reading this laugh-out-loud collection, you’ll never be able to cry over Flowers for Algernon again!

About the author:

Paul Di Filippo sold his first story in 1977. In the forty-plus years since, he’s had published forty-plus books: a record he is unsure of continuing into his decrepitude. His latest novel from 2019 is the crime thriller THE DEADLY KISS-OFF. He lives with his partner Deborah Newton, who appeared on the scene a year before that first sale and made them all possible. A native Rhode Islander, he inhabits Lovecraft’s Providence, his home about two blocks from the monument marking HPL’s birthplace.

Coming December 4, 2019

Plumage from Pegasus:

Trade paperback ISBN 978-1-61475-999-7

Ebook ISBN 978-1-68057-000-7

WordFire Press is a mid-size new-model publisher founded by New York Times bestselling authors Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta. You can find us at Tweet us @WordFirePress. Follow us on Facebook at

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