In this episode, things are gettin’ spooky as the fellas celebrate Halloween with a special guest in an allegedly haunted house filled with death cards, creepy family connections, and other spooky happenings.
We hear a tale of drunken ghost sightings as Doom gets ganged up on, neighbors be creepin’, possums are gross as shit, Fitz finds a treasure trove of old goodies in a dead man’s attic, they dissect the religious iconography that appears in porn, and somebody whips out a Ouija board and shit goes down.
Doom and our special guest @gigiamk30
talk about seeing IT: Chapter 2 while Fitz gives the perspective of the book, shit gets derailed by a slimy wad of snot and an argument, and then pop culture references fly like an eagle in that they are coming in both fast & furious in this latest episode of the most consistent podcast you’ve never heard of.