In this episode, grab a shovel and join in as one of the fellas tries to dig himself out of a hole with a haircut as the other is still backfilling that sum bitch with a vengeance, all while playing the World’s Favorite Game “I’m Old And Things Were Better In My Day”!
A Joke Corner that was teased long ago leads to a discussion of childhoods, upbringing, and the exponential growth of technological communication, before we dive into the latest and not so greatest of news and happenings in that magical and color filled Marvel universe.
We wrap up this grumpy old man fest by talking about a grumpy old man show set in the Star Trek universe, then we bring this ep, full of never before spoken sentences, to a close by teasing what our next couple of shows may stuff in your pod stockings, so buckle up, gang, as the careening toward Ep 100 has officially begun to kick into high gear!