Episode 098: We Are Birth

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In this episode, we are all over the place as we jam pack this show with all the news and opinions you’ve come to know and…I guess tolerate from the two biggest yahoos you apparently stumbled across while you were drunk or forgot to hit pause that one time and now your podcast app won’t stop downloading it so you’ve just grow to accept it…I mean, what?

Doom comes in hot with a (surprise surprise) pissy fuckin’ attitude cause somebody pushed his buttons by showing him an article that was dumb as shit, and then he calms down and Fitz brings up an article that made him have a rage boner too.

Scooby-Doo, Star Wars, Star Trek, the last movies we saw before the world ended, are all topics on the table as well as us eulogizing iconic comic book writer and editor Denny O’Neil, then we ponder why Amazon packaging is completely dogshit for books and everything else now, all that and more as we continue the long trudge to ep 100!

P.S. Watch for some additional B-Roll content from this episode that will be dropping on Patreon soon!

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