The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week #116

Spooky season is all up in our buisness, son!
Reports are saying the creepies & or crawlies are coming out of the woodwork in record numbers as monster sightings have hit all time highs.
Jack-o-lanterns have been seen trying to take over the world with vines and what not.
We could all try and do something about it or we can hunker down and answer some nerdy ass questions.
I know what my choice is gonna be!

With that long rambling Halloweeny opening in mind, I think you can guess the theme we’re going for this week as we ask: What Is Your All Time Favorite Horror Short Story Or Novel?

Leave your answer down in the comments below or tweet it to us over on the Tweety times @NerdBlitzPod or by using the incredibly well thought out hashtag #TNBQotW.

Special thanks goes out to the good sir @SteBoost for creating our eye catchingly sexified logo for this here weekly segment known as The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week.

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