Warcraft: Durotan Review

My experience with the Warcraft franchise is limited to watching each new game trailer in awe and loving the movie.
Online games just aren’t my bag, man, so whatever information or awareness I have of it comes solely from those 2 avenues.

Now, having said I love the movie, there is clearly an interest there for the world.
Mix in Christie Golden (remember how much we praised Star Wars: Dark Disciple in Series 1 of The Nerd Blitz Book Club?) and you’ve got me ready to dive in with both feet.

But there is still a chance shit could go sideways!
Did it?
Did this go so spectacularly wrong that I’m now questioning everything I once held dear in a way that will force me to dramatically change my life by moving to the shores of a foreign land and taking up some boring hobby like fishing as I contemplate reality itself?
*gasps for breath*
Probably not, but let’s find out anyway.

As per the always round here, this is your mondo, mega, super official ***SPOILER ALERT***

Starting a couple of years before the movie, we see the trials and tribulations of Durotan as he makes his rise to Chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan.
As their world slowly dies, he must guide them and go against the deeply rooted traditions the clan has long held dear if they are to survive.
But an invading enemy and lack of food may force the Frostwolves to face a choice that Durotan’s father refused.

First off, this book does its job superbly.
Pretty much every story thread from the Frostwolf perspective is touched on and set up well.
Specifically, Durotan & The Frostwolves’ motivation & reservations inside of The Horde hierarchy.
Though he only makes a couple appearances, we get a good look at Gul’dan and his twisted power, the picture of how off his green magics feel is well painted.

Which leads me to Golden.
I don’t know what Pit Fiend she made a deal with, but I’m still impressed by her economic writing.
It is hard not to blaze through her work in just a few days.
I can’t figure out how these incredible writers can deliver so much depth and detail in a story without slowing down or sacrificing pacing.
She also has a damn good ability to set up a chapter ending cliffhanger.

The only issue I can really put my finger on would be that I wanted more.
There are a few time jumps that I would have liked to have had filled in a bit more, but then that would have probably slowed things down.
So, maybe a bit unfairly, Golden is damned if she does or doesn’t in this case.
But, as I’ve said in many of these reviews, if leaving you wanting more is the worst you can say about a book then that’s a good fuckin’ book!

I know there is a comic prequel out there covering what happened in Azeroth at roughly the same time as this novel, but I would vastly prefer to have a novel of that by Golden.
Especially since she wrote the movie novelization as well…which I now also need to find…

Look, gang, if you’re in the mood for a good fantasy tale, or you want more of the movie, you can’t go wrong with this.
I have 2 other Warcraft novels written by Christie Golden, and I can’t wait til I get to dive into them.
She clearly knows this world well and enjoys it, and I’m learning that maybe, just maybe…so do I.

Let us know what you think of this review in the comments below or share this post on Twitter with the Hashtag #TNBBookReview.

Special thanks to @ACFerrell1976 for her continued editorial assistance.

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