In this episode, sit back and relax as we gather around to celebrate this whole Nerd Blitz thing turning 5 years old with a cavalcade of nerdy comedy, complaints, and conversation!
First off, we welcome back the man, the myth, the legendary maestro of music J Sarge for the next installment of our long running D&D campaign and see if we can finish this first leg of the game…despite the best efforts of one player…
Once we bid him ado, we fly solo and tell some jokes, pimp some spots of Days Gone by, talk Falcon & Winter Soldier, get all excited for Star Wars: The Bad Batch, and fuck 2 very specific shits, all with our signature brand of humor(?), rage, and wonder!
Thanks for hanging with us for 5 years, gang, we hope you enjoy this mega sized celebration!
And for more great Nerd Blitz content, head over to Patreon.com/NerdBlitzPod or TSDJAProductions.bandcamp.com
Be sure to check out the @LibrisArcana site at LibrisArcana.com for all kinds of exclusive dice sets, subscriptions, and other fun RPG goodies.
This has been a feature of TS-D/JA Productions and JJ2E Media