DC Universe: Last Sons Review

Exactly 15 years ago, I read this novel, that features 3 of my top 10 favorite DC characters, for the first time.
And since then I’ve cited it time and again when asked for recommendations because I loved it so damn much at the time.
But 15 years is a long ass time, man, and in that decade and a half I’ve often wondered “could it POSSIBLY be that good?” more times than I could ever even begin to count.
And as the time passed I realized I was growing afraid to reread it because it would be pretty crushing if, upon reflection, it sucked more than hookers at a vacuum convention.

Exactly 15 years to the day that I first started reading it, I decided it was time I took the plunge again.
The time has come to answer the above questions, to look deep into the heart of teenage years and find out if my tastes and long forged memories were rose tinted or way off.
Join me on this journey of rediscovery.

As always, this is your fancy pants ***SPOILER ALERT***

Lobo, The Main Man, the Last Czarnian, one of the most foul mouthed and ruthless bounty hunters in the known universe, is tasked with bringing in J’onn J’onnzz, The Martian Manhunter, the sole survivor of the Martian race, who has a 1,000,000 credit reward on his head.
The only problem, as far as he knows, J’onn has committed no crime.

When Lobo burst on the scene while J’onnzz, in his guise as John Jones, is working a case on Earth it catches the ear of Superman, The Last Son Of Krypton.
J’onnzz defuses the situation and agrees to go with Lobo, though he’s sure he has done nothing wrong, but Superman just can’t shake his bad feeling about the whole situation and decides to follow.

One of the things I remember loving about this particular series of DC Universe novels was the fact that they used the well known characters to deceptively prop up the lesser known characters and give them a chance to shine for new audiences.
Inheritance used Batman & Robin to showcase Aquaman, Tempest, Green Arrow, & Arsenal.
Helltown used Batman to showcase The Question.
Trail Of Time used Superman to showcase Jonah Hex, The Phantom Stranger, Etrigan & Bat Lash.
And this book used Superman to bring some attention to Lobo & Martian Manhunter, so that alone made me dig this and the aforementioned other 3.
But once you dig in beyond that, you find a whole host of other reasons to love this story.

The action is great, specifically the many battles of the crazed maniac that is Lobo.
Lobo, as I understand it, is a character that was originally a serious villain, but soon became a parody of the gritty 80s and 90s anti-heroes, basically Wolverine without anything even close to resembling a conscience.
As such you get many over the top, grizzly and gory, fights with other bounty hunters that, likewise, completely lack scruples.

The characterizations and depth of history comes with ease, as is expected when a veteran hand like Alan Grant is at the pen.
Grant knows these characters well and has fun with that across the galaxy.
And even the new characters he brings to the party fit well.
The only issue I could find is that it all feels a little too Earthy and steeped in Earth terminology.
I will fully admit right now that this is just me grasping at straws a bit so I don’t come off like a completely crazed sycophant to the altar that is this book, but the galaxy at large feels like Earth Plus.
There are diners out in the stars that have to worry about insurance and rowdy customers, the only difference being it’s located on an Asteroid.
It all feels too grounded in everyday Earth life, which may actually be the purpose…to make space feel mundane and familiar.

To start wrapping up, I’ll finally answer the question posed above: Could it possible be as good as I remembered?
You bet your fraggin’ sweet ass it is, Bastiches!
As I finished the book, I was really relieved, my recommendations stand.

15 years ago when I 1st read this, it took me 14 days to zip through.
Now, it took 8 days.
The same amount of, though vastly different, distractions and responsibilities all tugging away at my attention apply.
It’s just so damn good and easy to read.
If you dig these characters and you’ve yet to find a copy, search it out.
It’s well worth the time and effort.
Somebody tell @AmandaMDanger!

Let us know what you think of this review in the comments below or share this post on Twitter with the Hashtag #TNBBookReview.

Special thanks to @ACFerrell1976 for her continued editorial assistance.

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And finally, given the state of the world, do what you can to leave it a little bit better than you found it.
As difficult as that may be currently, it can have an impact far greater than you know.
Until next time, stay safe out there, gang.

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