The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week #150

Hey hey, gang, welcome back to this here weekly feature on your favorite site owned by us.
Get you answer caps on, cause we’re ready to sling some question at you!

Given that today is the birthing anniversary day of 1 legendarily groovy actor, this week has us asking: What Is Your Favorite Bruce Campbell Book, Franchise, Movie, Or TV Series?

Leave your answer down in the comments below or tweet it to us over on the Tweety times @NerdBlitzPod or by using the incredibly well thought out hashtag #TNBQotW.

Special thanks goes out to the good sir @SteBoost for creating our eye catchingly sexified logo for this here weekly segment known as The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week.

For more great Nerd Blitz content, head over to or

And finally, given the state of the world, do what you can to leave it a little bit better than you found it.
As difficult as that may be currently, it can have an impact far greater than you know.
Until next time, stay safe out there, gang.

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  • I am partial to Evil Dead 2 because that was the first movie I saw with him. I remember seeing the box in the video store and it always creeped me out. Once I finally saw it, I was still pretty young and completely flabbergasted at the ‘amazing’ special effects!