Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins Vol 1 Issue 2 Review


Okay, so, you know by now that I really love this whole Critical Role thingamabob, and you know I dug Issue 1 of this here fancy tie-in comic bookery series.
But can issue 2 really live up to the heights of that rather strong first outing?

Well, gather round, yo, we’re about to find out up in this piece!

You know the drill, gang, blah blah blah, ***SPOILER ALERT***

Cover By Nick Robles: This one is a hell of lot more detailed than the issue 1 cover.
It has a great intensity, and does a really great job of setting up what’s about to go down in the issue.
Just like I said about the first cover, though a different artist, this is one I would DEFINITELY hang on my wall.
I love it!

Art By Olivia Samson & Chris Northrop: Just as good as issue 1, but due to the members of Vox Machina that we follow they get the chance to show off a bit more.
There is a beautiful 2 page action splash that is truly a sight to behold.
I tried getting a picture of it, but I was a bit too shaky to make it worthwhile, so trust me.
It’s stunning!
I’m somebody that focuses more on story than art, but damn this is great!
Great art can definitely make a story jump off the page, and this does.
I stand by what I said in my issue 1 review about this looking like animation.

Story By Matthew Colville & Matthew Mercer: In a crypt like temple dedicated to some shark-man, Grog Strongjaw & Scanlan Shorthalt and their current group of fellow adventurers kick the shit out of some frog-man cultists, go looting, and head back to Stilben.
Once there, they head to an alchemist’s shop to learn about a mysterious potion they found and are attacked by a band of Rogue’s belonging to a group called The Myriad.
Later, back at the inn, trouble starts to brew for the duo as they have a run in with a future ally and somebody pretending to be one of the local watchmen.

First off, once again, the voices of the characters are dead on balls accurate in that respect.
Particularly Grog, Travis Willingham has a very specific way of speaking as Grog with his accent and pronunciations that if they didn’t go the extra mile and replicate it would feel half assed and like a quick cash grab.
But due to that attention to detail, this issue is incredibly fun and funny, mostly thanks to Scanlan.
The image above is a perfect example of the humor.

I love the dichotomy that’s present in here between the jokes and the bloody battles.
Because make no mistake, this issue is far more brutal.
Grog being a goliath barbarian, you should expect nothing less.
And they fuckin’ delivered!
Seeing the splashy gouts of blood spew forth as he rages is gratifying on many levels, but especially if you know these characters well.

I’m also glad they don’t shy away from the use of swear words in this book either because, much like the show, it makes it feel far more natural and gives us stupid normies in our lame non-magical world something else to help us feel more comfortable and engaged with this world.
And in that vein, the hints at the history these 2 share bed hopping at whore houses (yes, I said whore houses!) are great.

While it’s obvious that this is made with fans of Critical Role in mind, I think it’s all laid out and explained well enough that newbies could enjoy it just as well.
And though these 2 issues feature different pairs of characters working the same case from different angles, so far it doesn’t really matter when you come into the story.
Both feel like great jumping on point.
I dig it, and I hope you guys check it out and dig it too.
Please, I need somebody to talk about it with!

Special thanks to @ACFerrell1976 for her continued editorial assistance.

Be sure to check out the Nerd Blitz review of Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins Issue 1 Volume 1

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And finally, given the state of the world, do what you can to leave it a little bit better than you found it.
As difficult as that may be currently, it can have an impact far greater than you know.
Until next time, stay safe out there, gang.

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