Please turn off your cellphones and prepare for the chin soaked apocalypse of gigantic ant guys and terrible ADR looping that comes to us all the way from Bulgaria and the Sci-fi Channel!
For our 66th Commentary, we crash land in an over-the-top explosion in the quarry that is the year 2005 for this motion picture starring Bruce Campbell, Renee O’Connor, Michael Cory Davis, and Peter Jason.
We attempt to answer the following questions “just what is quordle?”, “will this movie be as bad or better than Man With The Screaming Brain?”, as well as engage in copious amounts of our normal jackassery, so pop some corn, it’s Nerd Blitz movie time.
This has been a feature of TS-D/JA Productions and JJ2E Media
[…] March 12: The Nerd Blitz Commentaries #66: Alien Apocalypse B-Movie March […]