The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week #251

The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week has returned, gang, so prepare for the jubilation of askin’ and answerin’ as we dive in.

This week, something wonderful has happened, the very first trailer for GTA VI dropped (watch it HERE), and has left us wondering where you stand.
So, we wanna know: How Excited Are You For The 2025 Release Of GTA VI?

Leave your answer down in the comments below or tweet it to us over on the Tweety times @NerdBlitzPod or by using the incredibly well thought out hashtag #TNBQotW.

Special thanks goes out to the good sir SteBoost for creating our eye catchingly sexified logo for this here semi-weekly segment known as The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week.

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Need something to read?
Check out our original horror short story collection, The Camping Trip And Other Stories, or our book of essays and reviews, Doomed: The Collected Essays And Reviews Volume 1

And finally, given the state of the world, do what you can to leave it a little bit better than you found it.
As difficult as that may be currently, it can have an impact far greater than you know.
Until next time, stay safe out there, gang.

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  • I am BEYOND excited for GTA VI! It’s hard to believe 5 has been out for 10 years and you could play it on an Xbox 360. The trailer looks awesome but how much of that is in-game video?!

    Also, they need to find all of these leakers and send them to prison!!!

    • I’d bet it’s about 50/50, and mostly early game.

      Yeah, the fuck is up with all these goddamn leaks with this game?
      Holy shit!