Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I.: Naughty & Nice Review

You’ve heard me talk about this series many many times on the pod recently, so ya know damn well going in that I probably loved this story.
Ahhh, but there is always a chance this could be the story to break the streak!

I’m reading this in the print version of the “Working Stiff” short story collection, which you can get a free digital copy of by signing up for Kevin J. Anderson‘s reading group at WordFire.com.

Enough suspense?
The streak continues.
I’ve mentioned on the pod that the story “Road Kill” (also featured in “Working Stiff“, which I’ll discuss in a future review) was a bit disappointing only because it felt too damn short, and I feared going into this that I may have a similar issue.
Not the case whatsoever.
And you can’t call the streak broken because you wanted more, can you?

I think the problem may be that Road Kill had just 1 story thread/case that Dan & Co were trying to work through.
Naughty & Nice has what all 3 novels that I’ve read so far have had, multiple storylines that culminate in the finale.
Reading this and comparing it to Road Kill has made me think plate spinning may be one of the key elements to this franchise.

The 2 storylines here are Santa’s Naughty & Nice list has been stolen and kids all around the Unnatural Quarter have begun to go missing.
We start off with Santa, a confirmed Unnatural (supernatural being brought to life by somebody playing with the Necronomicon), coming to the offices of Chambeaux & Deyer for Dan’s help finding the list.
Dan and Spooky (his ghost girlfriend) head out to brain storm where to begin the hunt for the list when they come across a new character on the scene trying to horn in on Santa’s action, Elfis.
Elfis is one of the perfect examples of why I love this series so much, gang.
It’s so pun and pop culture filled.
This is basically what I imagine an Ep of Family Guy would be like if it was written by Andy Mcelfresh, and this is a compliment!

I won’t spoil anything further, as I’m sure you know the ultimate conclusion of a mystery story, but the ending, set on Christmas day, is almost as sweet as Book 2, Unnatural Acts, but without the creepy sex doll (I say creepy, but it’s actually kinda hilarious, go read it).

The balance of characters is skillful.
Dan, Robin (Deyer, Dan’s business partner), Spooky, and McGoo (Toby McGoohan, Dan’s Best Human Friend, a beat cop in the Quarter) all get time in the spotlight and feel useful.
And the jokes all land, or don’t (McGoo’s trademark), as needed.
I’ve told you many times on the pod that I love KJA’s style, and this is a perfect example why.
So yeah, the streak is intact.

There you have it.
Well worth your time, and seasonally appropriate.
Find it where ever you can and enjoy a few monsters with your milk & cookies.
Enjoy your holiday, gang!

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