Coming soon: Bi-weekly Toy Blog To Be Named Later

I was talking with Doom the other day about Star Wars figures and he made the mistake of thinking a Green Card Princess Leia from 1995 that said “Power of the Force” was the same as the Power of the Force line of Kenner figures from 1985 that came packaged with sweet collector coins.

After the fun of ridiculing his shocking lack of Star Wars toy knowledge wore off, I realized that I have a crazy amount of useless, toy based knowledge and personal anecdotes. This coupled with the fact that I still have 90% of every toy from my childhood made me think I should do something with all this useless information and dusty bits of plastic to give them all some kind of purpose beyond just their own sentimental value to me.

So, that is what this new semi-regular feature will be. A tour through the well loved and heavily worn toys of my youth complete with photos of each piece in all their non-mint glory, as well as some interesting (and not so interesting) personal history behind each.

I might that the only person who gets a kick out of this, but who cares. I can’t wait to get started!

As for the name? Well we couldn’t decide. So we’ve put up a poll where anyone who cares can vote on which title they like best. It ends next week if not sooner, so hurry over HERE and vote if you haven’t already and let’s have some fun!

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