Episode 025: I’ll Blow A Turtle, I Don’t Care!

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20170225_205101In this Episode, the fellas are bringing all the news that’s fit to print…like a month late…

After a failure to launch Joke Corner (twice), a stroke scare, & lots of other distractions, Doom finally tells Fitz the details about Jay And Silent Bob Reboot.

After that, they talk about Marvel and Archie teaming up for some digests that have them all aquiver. They end with a sorta update on some music shtuff they talked about a long time ago.

Chunky Peanut Butter also gets roasted in this the last episode before our 1 year anniversary. So strap in and prep for those trademark tangents you love so much.


This has been a feature of TS-D/JA Productions and JJ2E Media 2017