TNB Commentaries 028: The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones

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51tiln1vm3l._sy445_Please turn off your cellphones and join us in the time before whips cracked, webleys were shot, and fedoras were worn.

For our 28th commentary, we head all the way back to 1992…and 1996 for some educational pre-Harrison Ford globe trekking adventure starring Corey Carrier, Lloyd Owen, & Margaret Tyzack.

We catapult through the winder and talk about old hillbillies and ass blasted wolves while discussing child acting, why this is more edutainment than high adventure, compare Indy to Forrest Gump, and we thank good sir @flyinkdw of @Cod_Pod for making it all possible.

Give it a listen and watch along as Indy breaks free of the playpen!

This has been a feature of TS-D/JA Productions and JJ2E Media 2019

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