The Nerd Blitz Round Up #6: February 2022

Hey gang, welcome back to The Nerd Blitz Round-Up.
This time we’re taking a look back at the month that was February 2022!

Thank you all for coming back to check out all that we have to offer.
Now, let’s get into it!

Free Content:

February 1st, we once again kicked off the month with a double drop of Nerd Blitz-Dom.
1st, in the way of The Nerd Blitz Round-Up #5 showcasing all we did in January.
2nd, we dropped the 181st edition of The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week where we asked about big ticket nerdery.

February 3rd, we gathered together to talk about the launch of the Critical Role animated series The Legend Of Vox Machina in Ep 121 of The Nerd Blitz!

February 8th, we unveiled the monstrous 182nd edition of The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week!

February 11th, Doom Reviewed a book that was his Ma’s to celebrate 82 years of Tom And Jerry, Tom And Jerry Meet Mr. Fingers!

February 12th, we finally took a deep dive into The Book Of Boba Fett and gave our honest reactions in Ep 122 of The Nerd Blitz Main Show.

February 15th, we gave the world the 183rd edition of The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week, where we asked about The Book Of Boba Fett finale.

February 16th, Doom wallowed in Critical Role Land a bit more when he brought his review of Vox Machina Origins Vol 1 Issue 3 over from Patreon.

February 18th, we went to the stars for the 64th ep of The Nerd Blitz Commentaries, in which we watched Star Trek 3: The Search For Spock!

February 23rd, Doom unleashed ANOTHER TNB Book Review, this time for the David Boop Edited Straight Outta Deadwood weird western short story anthology.

February 25th, we dropped a mini but reactionary podcast-a-roonie that turned out to be the 122.5th Ep of The Nerd Blitz Main Show that we almost lost track of!

Patreon Content:

February 2nd, we kicked off the month on Patreon with a review of the Simpsons/Futurama Crossover Crisis II 2-Part comic from Bongo Comics.

February 7th, the 19th edition of The Nerd Blitz Mini Episode dropped and saw Doom opening the vault and telling some of the many insane stories he has about his Dad.

February 10th, the 29th edition of The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week Podcast graced us with it’s presence and saw us talking about shows that ended on a cliffhanger.

February 11th, to celebrate the 82nd anniversary of Tom & Jerry Doom Reviewed Tom & Jerry #337 from 1981.

February 14th, @Gigiamk30 returned to talk about Saw 3, as well as a prank they pulled on her daughter, in the 30th ep of Doom Does…

February 21st, the 1st ever chunk of Doom Does… B-Roll escaped into the paywalled wild and things got a bit Squirrely with @Gigiamk30.

February 24th, we learn the ways of singer prayer games and wrestling moobs in this call back slugfest that is the 30th edition of The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week!

February 28th, the 23rd episode of Just Jump To The End: Mommy, Can I Be Dr. Who? dropped into your ear holes.
This is the 1st ALL NEW, Never Before Heard episode to hit Patreon and should be considered the OFFICIAL relaunch!

Thank you so much for continuing to support us and coming back for another edition of The Nerd Blitz Round-Up, gang!

Let us know your thoughts on this post down in the comments below or tweet it to us over on the Tweety times @NerdBlitzPod.

We have to say a gigantic THANK YOU to the brilliant @SteBoost for creating the stunning “TNB Round Up” logo you see above.

Hungry for more of that great Nerd Blitz content, head over to and join at the $5 level to get instant access to numerous Podcasts, Reviews, Audio Dramas, and so much more!

And finally, given the state of the world, do what you can to leave it a little bit better than you found it.
As difficult as that may be currently, it can have an impact far greater than you know.
Until next time, stay safe out there, gang.