Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I.: Bats In The Belfry Review

We’re now seven books in, nine if you count the two short story collections, making this the longest running series of big boy books I’ve read.
At this point I trust KJA enough to not wonder any more if he’s gonna shit the bed with this series.
So let’s just kick back, relax, and see what this go round has in store for us.

This is your often necessary ***SPOILER ALERT***, act accordingly.

This go round we’re dealing with a Troll Youth Choir Director that mysteriously swan dives to her death, a local grocer that swears the underground downs Nightmare races are rigged, a lovestruck Vampire that’s gone missing, a wave of tchotchke live shrunken heads that are sweeping the Unnatural Quarter, and more!
I’m happy to say, this one is densely packed and even thirty pages longer than the previous novel, Double-Booked.
It also does a great job of advancing the story of a lot of members of the UQ that we’ve come to know over the course of the series.

We’ve reached the point in this series where KJA has built a big enough mythology that he can shift a bit focus from Dan, Spooky, Robin, McGoo, and Alvina to the other residents of the Quarter.
In doing so, he fleshes out this world and makes it feel like the other characters have real lives and not like they’re just waiting around for the main characters to show up and give them something to do.
This is something you often see happen with animated sitcoms (The Simpsons & Family Guy in particular), but not something I’ve seen much in Noir-ish first person detective stories.
But, as I’ve said in my previous Shamble reviews, shit like this just goes to show Anderson’s Nerd cred.
This is straight out of comic books, he knows continuity bits like this are cat nip for the nerds.

I had originally wanted this review to go out shortly after Halloween, but I ran into a problem this time that stopped me in my tracks: I didn’t want this trip to the Unnatural Quarter to end!
It’s been a long time since I was so engaged with a book that I forced myself to put it down and savor it.
I can admit that probably comes from my adoration for the series as a whole, but the way this series has continuously layered and expanded makes this installment a great culmination of all that’s come before.
And we’re left with plenty of seeds for the future to keep you interested in the further development of this series.

Gang, seven novels in, this series has long since found its voice and legs, having grown comfortable and confident with both.
You can tell KJA is relaxing and having fun every time he steps foot into this monstrous universe, he exudes a confidence when he walks these mean, goofy, pun filled streets.
If my ten plus reviews of this series have yet to convince you to take the plunge, I’m not quite sure what else I can say to get you involved.
All I know though is that you’re missing out on a damn fun time with an accomplished author, and that is your loss.
This book was the product of his second Shamble Kickstarter and, if he does another in the new year, I will be right there waiting for the next to launch.

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And finally, given the state of the world, do what you can to leave it a little bit better than you found it.
As difficult as that may be currently, it can have an impact far greater than you know.
Until next time, stay safe out there, gang.

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