The State Of Fandom

Not posting this for the clicks or attention, mostly as an easy way to archive it because I feel the message is important…also, Fitz told me too!
This morning, I posted a thread on Twitter about the overall current state of fandom, this is that thread.
Here’s the link to the original thread.

Seeing a lot of folks talking about the problems in the Anthill lately.
It’s a problem I’ve been noticing with all fandoms in recent years.
WWE, Scooby, Star Wars, Pods, all have been riddled with anger and fighting based mostly on differences of opinion and how to express them.
Definitely deeper and broader issues than that in some cases, but that seems to be the most deeply rooted cause.

It truly seems fandom is broken, and it appears that, sadly, many would rather plant their flags and dig their heels in than try and fix those problems.
Others still would rather use the current choppy state of the fandom waters to spin & push agendas under the facade of defending or protecting some & ignoring others going through the same.

It’s sad.
To the point that myself & some I talk to would rather not engage with fellow fans anymore in hopes of trying to fend off the negativity & potentially losing passion for things we have great love for.

The personal attacks against people providing entertainment (free or paid) are disgusting & need to stop.
Most of this shit comes from adults acting worse than children.
A lot of people are preaching that a better example needs to be set for the youth while privately feeding the shit storm.
Take your own advice & quit the back biting, game playing horseshit already, it’s goddamn tiring.

This is a rambling mess, but motherfucker, this world is fuckin’ shitty enough.
This world is brutal, we need escapism.
Stop trying to ruin it for everybody else and for fucksake just like what you like.

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