The Nerd Blitz Round Up #1: September 2021

Hey gang, we wanted to try something new.
So, for the next couple months at least, we are going to give you a one stop shop for links to all of the shtuff we get done in a month.
Obviously, if you all dig this concept and want it to continue, this idea will probably evolve over time.
But nonetheless, here is the first TNB Round Up for the month of September 2021!

But before I dive into it all, I have to say a mondo mega huge THANK YOU to the incredible @SteBoost for creating the astounding TNB Round Up logo for us.
I asked for something simple and he tugged at my heart strings.
I love that design more than I can express.
Thank you for sticking with us, Ste, and always helping out.

Now, with all of that out of the way, let’s dive in and take a look at what all went down in September!

Free Content: On Sept 2nd, Ep 113.5 of The Main Show came to town and saw us talking about the Spider-Man: No Way Home teaser trailer.

On Sept 6th, The Nerd Blitz Book Review of Assassin’s Creed: Revelations was given to the masses.

On Sept 7th, we brought The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week #160 to your eyeholes!

On Spet 10th, The Nerd Blitz Commentaries returned for it’s 60th Episode, the subject of this Commentary was Scooby-Doo And KISS: Rock And Roll Mystery!

On Sept 14th, we dropped a double dose of TNB goodness in the form of a news item about the release of Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby-Doo Meets Courage The Cowardly Dog on DVD, as well as the 161st installment of The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week.

The following week, on Sept 21st, we posted the 162nd edition of The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week.

The evening of Sept 24th brought the greatness that is Ep 114 of The Nerd Blitz Main Show.

Sept 28th brought the 163rd edition of The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week down upon all of our heads.

Patreon Content: On Sept 5th, we dropped Doom Does…The Rona 5 with guest @Gigiamk30.

On Sept 6th, our 3rd Patreon Exclusive Commentary covering the 5th & 6th Eps of Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated.

On Sept 8th, Doom unleashed a new comic review of Hanna-Barbera’s Laff-A-Lympics #12.

On Sept 9th, the 16th Episode of The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week Podcast was released.

On Sept 13th, I celebrated the 52nd Anniversary of Scooby-Doo with Doom Does…Snack Tracks!

On Sept 15th, we posted the 17th & 18th pages of our original prose horror story The Franklin Affair.

On Sept 20th, released our 12th Stinging TNB Mini Episode.

On Sept 23rd, the 17th Podcast edition of The Nerd Blitz Question Of The Week wasn’t released, it escaped!

On Sept 29th, a review of the old Amalgam book Legend Of The Dark Claw #1 graced us with it’s presence.

Let us know your thoughts on this post (comments or suggestions are welcome) down in the comments below or tweet it to us over on the Tweety times @NerdBlitzPod.

We have to say a gigantic THANK YOU to the brilliant @SteBoost for creating the stunning “TNB Round Up” logo you see above.

For more great Nerd Blitz content, head over to or

And finally, given the state of the world, do what you can to leave it a little bit better than you found it.
As difficult as that may be currently, it can have an impact far greater than you know.
Until next time, stay safe out there, gang.

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