Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins Library Edition: Series I & II Review

Okay, gang, since I’ve reviewed all of Series I, and Series II is soon to start rolling out on Patreon, I figured I’d take a look at the Library Editon and it’s actual presentation.
So strap in, this is gonna be interesting!

No spoiler this time as I’m not going to be discussing the contents of the issues, but I do recommend you take a look at my reviews of the 1st series here on the site.

This is an oversized hardcover, weighing in at 4 and a half pounds, 320 pages, and measuring 9.2 x 1.24 x 12.25 inches.
It has 12 issues, encompassing the 1st 2 Vox Machina Origins series, as well as a sketch book of character designs and some turnarounds for each series.

Let’s start with the good.
The oversized format is simply amazing, it showcases the art far better than standard comic size and makes everything feel more special.
It, obviously, makes all of the dialogue easier to read, but I think it makes the art really pop out more as well.
Which is great because, as you know from my reviews, I adore Olivia Samson’s art and I love that my 1st experience with it is this lush showcase format.
All of the covers are included too, without trade dress, so those 12 artists are given the same treatment.
It’s truly a sight to behold for all fans of the CR universe.

Also, I really dig that they have the covers at the start of each issue.
Too many collected editions of comics either have a simple cover gallery in the back, like the Army Of Darkness Omnibus line, or, in the case of something like the omnibus editions of The Walking Dead, they just dump the covers entirely.
It’s a seemingly small detail, but I greatly appreciate the effort.

But I do have a complaint, and I feel it’s a substantial one.
I don’t know about Series II, but I know when Series I was collected on its own it had a good amount of quality of bonus material.
It had a map, a magical item and how to use it, and 2 character statblocks, that’s not to mention the extras that may have been in the super sleek, $100, slip cased, limited edition version.
Yeah, there’s no trace of any of that here.
Sure, there are the aforementioned character designs and turn arounds, that are definitely fuckin’ badass, but that’s it.
For such a premium collection, that’s a hell of a let down.

I must admit that it’s a weighty beast as well.
But if you have a table near by or a lap desk, this is a non-issue.
In fact, it actually plays into the whole fantasy vibe of the stories, making it feel like some magical tome.
The only other improvement I can think of would be a built in ribbon bookmark.

The verdict: Though the lack of any real supplemental material is definitely a bummer, I have to recommend this collection.
The issues are just that rock solid and their oversized presentation simply can not be beaten.
While a bit heavy, it definitely feels sturdy and solid.
If you’ve yet to take the plunge on this series, you would be hard pressed to find a better way to read it than this.

Special thanks to @ACFerrell1976 for her continued editorial assistance.

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And finally, given the state of the world, do what you can to leave it a little bit better than you found it.
As difficult as that may be currently, it can have an impact far greater than you know.
Until next time, stay safe out there, gang.

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